The True Meaning of Love
Out NOW - my first sole author E-book. An M/M tale with emotion, romance, and scorching sex...
True Meaning Trailer: http://www.onetruemedia.com/otm_site/view_shared?p=cc688167a8be4881171ce8&skin_id=701&utm_source=otm&utm_medium=text_url
Brandon McFerry and London Davies are a couple that has been together six years. After having an argument over the importance of Brandon's event at his art gallery versus London's party at his club, London is involved in a serious car accident that makes him temporarily incapacitated.
During his rehabilitation, Brandon and London will learn the true meaning of love thus bringing them closer together.
London playfully hit Christian’s bare chest. “Yes, it is…can you hand me the digital camcorder there.” London pointed at the cam that was at the foot of the bed.
“Oh yeah, I forgot I was going to be on camera, make sure you get my best side…” he joked, running his long fingers through his think head of hair.
London smirked while looking through the lens, “Uh Christian, every side is your best. You are absolutely perfect…”
Christian laughed, winking at London as London turned the cam onto Christian. “Say hi Christian. This is December 25th, 2010 at the McFerry Davies household, where Christian Taylor is about to become Brandon’s delicacy for the evening,” he announced to the camera.
Christian waved just as the bathroom door opened with Brandon coming out in nothing but a towel. Right away, London panned over to the confused Brandon who looked at the gorgeous man sitting on their bed.
Brandon cleared his throat, “Babe…um…”
Christian was grinning ear to ear looking at Brandon. “God London, the picture you showed me does him no justice, he is beautiful…”
“Ahem, baby, what’s going on?” Brandon smiled walking over to the foot of the bed.
With the cam still on him, “This, my love, is your other gift. Brandon, this is my friend that was in town, Christian Taylor, Christian, my beautiful, blushing bride, Brandon McFerry Davies. Smile baby…”
Thank you for allowing me to take over your blog Berengaria! :D
ReplyDeleteGood to see you here, Rawiya