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Sunday, November 13, 2011

Raw Claiming: The world has changed and there's a shortage of women

"Raw Claiming" book one: "Raw Craving":

Ayla thought it’d be just like Y2K all over again. But this time the world really did change. Now, she’s living in a community with far more men than women and has to choose some to live with. Ethan and Gideon helped rescue her, and she’s drawn to them. The sex is great, but she has to learn to live in a community that must become self-sufficient.
Also, what’s going on outside? Has the world changed forever? Will the men be torn from her and sent outside again? Should she go, too? And into what?

Buy Link: http://www.bookstrand.com/raw-craving

"Raw Claiming" book 2: "Raw Need":

Hazel must choose who she’ll live with. On the one hand, she likes Peyton, the leader of the group she was with. On the other, Kenan and Reuben, two of the men who rescued her, want her to join them. The Captain has a simple solution—live with all three. There follows a night of the most intense four-way claiming ever.
Soon, Reuben and Kenan leave on a trip to search for survivors. They don’t find any people but find evidence a community may be hiding in desert caves. Hazel understands that two of her men need the adrenaline rush of using their skills in a dangerous situation, while one stays behind to protect her and her son. They’re all different people with different interests and skills, but can they ever become a real family?

Buy Link: http://www.bookstrand.com/raw-need


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