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Wednesday, June 29, 2011

OUT TODAY! Flowers, a bisexual fairy and a mystery.

Blooming Love: blurb
Hyacinthe is one quarter fairy and she needs to have sex with both females and males to sate her needs. Finally she has fallen in love with both Inigo and Beverley. Neither of them really wants to share, but both love Hyacinthe and understand that to be with her, they must accept the third partner.
The triad is gradually coming together, they are all starting to feel comfortable with each other, until they share in double penetration of Hyacinthe, and her fairy wings sprout.
Everyone knows there is no such thing as fairies, and both Inigo and Beverley are shocked at Hyacinthe’s behavior.
And at the botanic gardens where they all work, someone is stealing rare plants.
Can their relationship survive? And what about the plants?

Buy link: http://www.torquerebooks.com/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=78_112&products_id=3212


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